Self- Abasing Women;
Assessing the root causes of women’s universal dysfunctions.
Today, I was thinking a lot about some gender issues and came to the sad conclusion at some point that women are disloyal allies in their own rescue missions.
That thought instantly reminded me of the statement once made by critically acclaimed author, Chimamanda Adichie. She said, “women are complicit in their own oppressions.”
I remembered this because I was considering a number of scenarios where women had been offered help of some sort, but often themselves, severed this help to continue in their damning situations.
For the longest time, my response to this has always been shock and outright censure. I have never understood this female predilection to self-harming choices, especially amongst women with better economic options, or who were themselves products of better backgrounds.
But on the 100th thought, I realised that perhaps I expected too much from these individuals whose root problems were a dime a dozen.
The dysfunctions exhibited by most women are multi-levelled and systemic, and this is validated by the fact that, regardless of their cultural, ethnic, racial or class differences, certain behavioral patterns are observable universally.
From m observation, the three universal levels of dysfunction that predispose women universally to self-harming thoughts and patterns are;
The Scripturally induced pronouncement;
These are the mental and social dispositions resulting from the curse God placed on Eve in Genesis 3:16, and this reveals itself the most in her romantic and marital relationships.
….Your desire shall be to your husband and he shall rule over you.
Gen 3:16. (NKJV)
Because my faith is at the core of my being, I know without a doubt that more than half of the female population worldwide are subconsciously operating a default system that is for the unsaved, the un-delivered, the ignorant, and not the free or the blessed in Christ.
The Psychologically induced;
These dysfunctions are often a product of her societal conditioning, the kind of mother she had, the kind of marriage her parents had, the society she was exposed to, and the kind of women she saw either being vilified or venerated by that society.
This range of dysfunctions are often stoked by the patterns and rules enforced by the society in which she lives, and calcify to form mental strongholds that define her identity, her sense of worth, her direction, her perception of options available to her, and her positioning.
The Biologically Induced Dysfunctions:
While not in themselves dysfunctions, the sum of a woman’s hormones and the result of the biochemical reactions unique to womems bodies, as well as her famed biological clock, often predispose women to negative behavioral patterns.
Admittedly, the outcomes of these unique biological structure are more often than not, catalysed by her own hasty romantic decisions, such as the perennial inclination of many women to procreate with, or marry unsuitable partners in a bid to produce offspring; a decision that often serves neither her, nor the offspring.
While it is the primal need of almost all life forms to be yoked with a partner and to reproduce, women have a unique desire for these, and many tie the core of their identities and value to their ability to snag a partner and to reproduce.
The culmination of these three core areas of inducement works to shape women in ways that are effectively self-harming.
They think in patterns that threaten their wholesomeness. They behave in ways that work against their security and even the pandering choices many women make, hoping to be self-preserving, are essentially them negotiating the larger hog of their peace, independence, freedom and wholesomeness for a measured token of pseudo protection.
But it is possible for a woman to rise above these three levels of dysfunctions.
In my next posts on this subject, I’ll be outlining how.